Rushmore International School, Prayagraj Has Zero Tolerance To Bullying, Physical, Mental Or, In The Cyber Space, Obscenity And Any Type Of Sexual Offence Byanyone In The School
All incidents of intimidation against another, especially against junior students, by forcibly taking their belongings, food, etc is bullying.
All direct or indirect remarks of obscene or sexual nature against and/or of another gender is a very serious bullying.
Posting or subscribing to posts offensive to another on the web is cyber bullying.
All physical aggression leading to hurt or intimidation, including threatening physical action is also bullying.
Carrying phones or other digital devices, which is in contravention of explicit school norms is a serious offence and will be dealt with seriousness, even expulsion. Contemplated action in this matter is the seizing of the material and kept in the school until the end of the session.
Every incident has to be reported and recorded and if proved correct, action would be taken immediately.
Students who are habitually late to School may be stopped at the gate and send back home. A student whose attendance falls short of 80% will not be eligible to appear for both Board/Home examinations. No request will be accepted as it is a mandatory requirement by CBSE rules.
I have read the rules of the school and agree to abide by them.
1. Proper care must be taken of the school property and no pupil should scratch or spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the wall, or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damages done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Principal. Any damage done will be made good by the one who does it. Anyone who sees something damaged should report the matter even if he/she does not know who has done it. No Pupils should bring razor, blades or any sharp instruments to school.
2. Students shall co-operate with the library, computer and laboratory staff, in maintaining order and discipline. Students shall take care not to cause damage or deface any of the materials, fixtures and equipments that are provided.
Silence is to be observed in the Library. Books issued are to be properly looked after and returned on the due date.
1. All pupils of the school are members of the library.
2. Every student should read a minimum of 6 English books and Hindi books and the prescribed magazines. One page summary of each book read must be shown to the language teachers. The name of the books read should be entered in the page given at the end of this diary.
3. A student may ordinarily borrow a book for a week, and may get it reissued for another week. No book that is in great demand shall be lent for more than four days.
4. Books will be issued to students during the library periods.
5. Reference books will not be issued. A member will be allowed to consult a reference book during the school hours only.
6. The Librarian may call for a book any time even if the normal period of loan has not expired.
7. If the date of issue/return of books happens to be a holiday, the issue/return of books shall stand postponed to the corresponding day of the following week.
8. If the book is not returned at the expiry of the period or after the librarian has called for it even within the period loan, a fine of Rs. 10 /- per day will be charged. Fines shall be collected by the librarian and the fact notified in the defaulter's card.
9. In case a book is misused, wrongly handled, damaged or lost, the person concerned will have to pay the full price of the book.
10. Defacing books in any form and by any means is strictly forbidden. Fine shall be levied for violating this rule. Ear marking of a book is not allowed.
1. Every pupil must possess a copy of the School diary which should be brought to School every day. Apart from entering legibly the name and other personal data, pupils should not enter in it anything except what related to School.
2. School diary is to be preserved carefully and no page from it should be destroyed or smudged.
3. Pupils must show to their parents/guardians whenever they are given a note by the Principal or teacher and obtain their signature. Entries by parents/guardians should also be shown to Principal/Teacher.
4. Parents are expected to look into and sign their children's school diary every day.
5. If a pupil loses the diary, he/she will be subjected to disciplinary action and a fine of Rs. 100/- will be levied and a new diary will have to be purchased.
Rushmore International School Class Room
Rushmore International School is equipped with ICT classrooms that enable the child to visualise the concepts studied. Children understand concepts better using the visuals in the classroom. Themes selected at each level of study are integrated with the ICT experience and teachers use visual learning as an effective tool to build on the understanding of the child. This way the interest of the child is also sustained in the classroom.
Facilitates Computer Aided Learning for Classes I-VIII. Reinforces classroom teaching with the use of LCD Projector and Multimedia kit.