One calendar month's notice will have to be given for the withdrawal of the child from the school. However, full fees for the quarter will be charged.
All dues must be cleared and books and other school property items returned before the child is withdrawn and transfer certificate obtained.
The management reserves to itself the right to dismiss any student.
The Principal is empowered to effect the withdrawal of a pupil or to remove the name of the pupil from the rolls of the school if, in his/her opinion, the progress of the pupil or conduct is unsatisfactory or whose parents/guardians show little interest in the progress of their wards. Immorality, insubordination, contempt of authority or damage to property, irregularity in payment of school fees, using unfair means during examination, stealing or cheating, use of Pan, Pan Parag, Cigarette etc are always enough reasons for immediate dismissal.
The management may require the withdrawal of any student when satisfied that such a step is necessary in the interest of the school.
A student involved in any incident ever outside the school which brings discredit to the institution, either because of unpleasant nature or inviting criminal or legal action by police or the court will be dismissed from school without enquiry. I have read the rules of the school and agree to abide by them.